A young man named Tyler Hochman has taken on the project of delivering a container of 280 wheelchairs to Israel as a part of his Bar Mitzvah this year, and has been conducting some hands on wheelchair distributions in the Los Angeles area to create a video about his project.
His goal is to raise $42,000 needed to sponsor the delivery of 280 brand new wheelchairs to people throughout Israel without mobility or the ability to purchase a wheelchair. Each wheelchair would sell for over $500 in a medical supply store, but because of the large volume purchases directly from the factory, each wheelchair can be delivered for a donation of only $150 each. At retail this container of wheelchairs would cost $140,000.
Through Tyler’s family connections, the Chabad organization has agreed to be the official distribution partner for the wheelchairs throughout Israel to anyone in need of mobility. Tyler and his family plan to visit several locations in Israel and participate in the hands on changing of lives of entire families.
Because of Tyler’s dedicated efforts, children will be able to go to school, adults will be able to go to work and provide for their families and the elderly can get out of a bed they may have been confined to for years and rejoin society or family activities. The gift of a wheelchair changes an average of 10 lives and delivers the gifts of Hope, Freedom, Dignity and Independence.
The gift of mobility answers prayers and makes dreams come true.
Please watch the video below about Tyler’s project and click on the donation form to support his mission of improving our world.